Bharath aka India
Area - 3.287 million km² (0.64% of total world land holding)
Population - 1.4 billion (19% of total world population)
Number of States - 29
Number of Airports - 155
Number of International Airports - 12
More than half of the states in Bharath have no access to International Airport.
Area - 9.597 million km²
Population - 1.5 billion
Number of Airports - 165
China has 0.1 billion additional population than Bharath but almost three times bigger land area.
United States of America - The USA
Area - 9.834 million km²
Population - 330 million
Number of Airports - 21000+
Considering the land area of Bharath as compared to China, USA, Russia and Canada, with the amount of population of Bharath, what approach should be there towards the Land usage? Conservative or careless? What do you think?
In my next blog we will explore more about this subject. Till then, stay tuned!
Thank you for your time.
Unmesh Uday Dighe