We the people alonng with many remaining living species and known and unknown life forms share this planet we prefer to refer as Earth. On this Earth we have over 73% water and less than 27% land. From this less than 27% land very limited land is actually habitable. Considering this we need to revisit our current and futurastic developement palns. We can recycle prettymuch everything on the surface of the earth except the land. To be more precise, the Soil. Once we cover this Soil/Land with tar or concrete, it is gone for good. There is a race to copy western norms of "developement" in many countries, including the Bharath aka India. We are building massive roads and widning the existing once to occcupy more traffic. Taking an example of Mumbai-Delhi Highway.
Total Distance - 1385 Kilometers
Orifinally - Mumbai-Agra with 4 lanes.
Currently getting widned to 12 lane. that means 8 extra lanes.
A width of a lane on a highway is 3.7 meters of 13 feet.
like this there are over 44 national and state highways currently getting widned.
Where are we getting the land for such road widning projects?
Mountains and hills
This "Developement pandamic is spreading across neighbouring countries like Myanmar, Cambodia, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma.
Western countries Automobile market is well saturated. These car manufacturers are in search of new markets. How much of this should be entertained movinng forward? The politics and beaurocrats are in favor of these "Developement" projects.
